Sunday, November 29, 2009

Can anybody tell me what is framework is meant for?

thank u

Can anybody tell me what is framework is meant for?windows update

The Microsoft .NET Framework is a software component that is a part of modern Microsoft Windows operating systems. It provides a large body of pre-coded solutions to common program requirements, and manages the execution of programs written specifically for the framework. The .NET Framework is a key Microsoft offering, and is intended to be used by most new applications created for the Windows platform.

Can anybody tell me what is framework is meant for?microsoft excel internet explorer

It is a set of libraries which performs tasks needed by a lot of types of software. Authors can use the library instead of writing another version of code to do a job already done in dozens of other software packages.
i'll just add that the .Net environment makes internet applications more adaptive. It has greatly improved the development of internet applications by providing existing framework that developers just build upon, this means that the applications that are meant to do different things will be able to understand each other and coexist. lesser crashes due to incompartibilities etc since they are all built on thesame framework.
When you create an executable in .net, it doesn't create actual native code like all the other compilers do (c, etc). Instead, it creates kind of a pseudo-executable that is actually compiled by windows when the program is run (which is why you need the .net framework). However, the majority of the compiling was done by the compiler so it doesn't take a long time for the .net framework to finish compiling it. It is done this way so that all the code you write can be platform-independent. Additionally, the .net coding environment is fully object-oriented and standards-based to allow for smooth interoperability. And this way, whether you're coding in c#,, or any other .net language, the framework is the same (so you can rely on the fact that a object is the same in all languages)

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